Say Yes to Education

Say Yes to Education, Inc. (Say Yes), partnered with Seeds of Peace since 2011, is a national, non-profit education foundation whose mission is to value and realize the promise and extraordinary potential of economically disadvantaged youth and families. It is committed to dramatically increasing high school and college graduation rates for urban youth in the United States. Say Yes provides comprehensive supports, including the promise of free college tuition, aligned with what research indicates is needed to enable every child in the program to achieve his or her potential.

Say Yes operates chapters located in Hartford, New York City, Philadelphia, Syracuse, and previously Cambridge, Mass. The Syracuse chapter is the first Say Yes chapter to embrace an entire city school district, making it the largest school improvement program of its kind in the nation. In December 2011, Say Yes announced that Buffalo would be its second Say Yes City in the United States.

Seeds of Peace partnered with Say Yes to Education and InterFaith Works to launch the Syracuse Program, which is tailored to youth from Syracuse, New York, a city experiencing similar challenges to cities within Maine regarding changing demographics and intercommunal tensions. Syracuse Seeds joined their Maine peers at the Seeds of Peace Camp for the first time in 2011.