
Seeds of Peace GATHER Fellow, 2020


Fostering interfaith unity through food.

How have you impacted your community?

I am the founder of Abe’s Eats, a social enterprise that is best known for producing the first-ever Glatt Kosher and Zabihah Halal “Interfaith Meat.” The initiative helps Jewish and Muslim communities across denominations eat from the same plate, while helping food businesses attract new consumers as they save time, inventory space, and food waste with our 2-in-1 approach.

Ultimately, I want to use our portfolio of food products as a tool to bring the Jewish and Muslim communities together to effectively tackle the rise in anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim bigotry, while promoting the values of religious diversity within the larger American narrative.

The opportunity to lead Abe’s Eats has allowed me to become a TED Resident, NPR How I Built This Fellow, and mentor to students who want to pursue social entrepreneurship. I am a Johns Hopkins University public health studies alumnus and a Trinity College Dublin George J. Mitchell National Scholar.

My GATHER Fellowship goals include creating more social and economic impact by making Abe’s Eats into a viable hybrid organization that uses its product sales to invest in interfaith initiatives that combat hate speech and violence.

“The idea of Muslim and Jewish communities eating Interfaith Meat from the same plate is a powerful one that has been validated at our 'Shabbat Salaam' interfaith dinners across the country. Our goal is to build a longer table, not a taller fence.”